A huge thank you to all who supported The Varsity Cinema’s Capital Campaign!
City of Des Moines, Polk County, Iowa Economic Development Authority, Bravo Greater Des Moines, InvestDSM, MidAmerican Foundation, Coca-Cola Atlantic Bottling Company, Meredith Foundation, Robert & LaRue Maddox, Suzie Glazer Burt in Memory of Ellie Glazer Ziegler, Jeff & Jackie Gordon In Memory of Jude Johnsrud, Dave & Trudy Holman Hurd, Kate Garst, Lisa and John Kenworthy, John & Penny Krantz, Thomas Paulson, James Vickery in Honor of Veda Ponikvar, AARP, Carl Voss, Susan Skinner & Mark Movic, Gregg & Nancy Carlson, Loretta & Bob Sieman, The Rusty Hubbell Family Fund, Reichardt Family Foundation, Jann Freed & John Fisher, Ned Burmeister, Dave McKenzie, Dee & Jim Vickery, Susan Judkins, Sasha Kamper, New Belgium, Drake University, Amedeo Rossi, National Trust for Historic Preservation, Danny Heggen, Ben & Naura Heiman Godar, Vanessa Marcano-Kelly, Michael Wagler and Claire Richmond, Nick Renkoski, Mark Godar, Terracon, Iowa Department of Cultural Affairs, In Memory of John Barzen
Marlú Abarca, Judy Mossholder & Rick Adams, Jeff Aden, John & Jenny Adrianse, Louise Alcorn, Jessi Allard, Heather Allen, Benjamin Allen, Dave Altemeier, Melinda Alvarez, Nicholas Amodeo, Susan Amosson, Jeffrey Andersen, Ryan Anderson, Adam Anderson, Tom Leffler & Judy Anderson, Barb Anderson, Marti Anderson, Louise Anderson in Memory of John Barzen, Dale Anderson Jr, Linda Appelgate, Ryan & Kristyn Arnold, Sondra Ashmore, Ava Auen-Ryan, Eric Axness, Shelley Bain, Kevin Baker, Lee Ann Bakros, Megan Bannister, Ben Cara and Elliott Barndollar, Sara Barnes, Collin Barnes, Sherry Barrett, Abbey Barrow, Florence Bartels, Craig & Kathy Bartelt, Abby Bartine in Honor of Mary K. Bartine, Pamela Barton, Caroline & John Barzen, David and Kristy Barzen, Jennifer Norum & Christopher Bates, Kathy Battles, Zachary Bauer, Morgan Baumert, Kathy & Larry Beaty, Zebulon Beilke-Mccallum, Kris Bein, Daniel Benedetto, Steven Benne, Rob & Marzia Benson, Bob and Peggy Benson, Sally Benson, Rebecca Berg, Edward Berg, Sara Berg, Jon Berg, Etta Berkowitz, Kathy Bernreuter, James Biehn, Elaine Biermann, Alec Binnie in Memory of John Barzen, Birthday Friends of Michael, Tammy Blackwell, Liz Blind, Patrick Boberg, John Bosley, Katrina Bowers, Robert Brammer, Alissa Brammer, Jonathan Brendemuehl, Conor Bresnan, Benjamin Breuer, Sara Briddell, Andy & Anna Wickes Brodie, Karla Bromwell, Ryan Brooks, Kathryn Broshears, Tessa Brow, Sorrel Brown in Memory of Jane Choquette, Claudia Brown, Sara Brown, James & Judi Brown, George Brucks, Jeff Bruning, Julie Bruns, Alice Bryan, Dr. Cleveland & Linda K Bryant, Joshua Bryner, Jill Burg, John Burnquist, Judith Burns, Jane Burns, Tania Burt in Memory of Jim Mishler, Rachel Buse, Laura Sands & David Busiek, Lauren Butaric, Jay & Katie Byers, John Byler, Nate Byro, Claudia Cackler, Chantelle Cadek, Katie Caggiano, Paul and Cindy Cahill, Lilian Calderon, Lori Calhoun, Tuan Cao, Stephanie Cardwell, Curt Carpenter, Ian Carriere, Elizabeth Carter, Kate Carter Frederick in Memory of Joseph W. Frederick, Paul Cartwright, VeeAnn Cartwright, Bill Chamberlain in Memory of Adam Finley, John Chaplin, Monica Chavez-Silva, John Chesser, Daniel Chibnall, Shannon Chicoine, Rhonda Chittenden, Theresa Chivers, Amy Christensen, Chia Chung, Sheree Clark, Sue Clark, Sarah Clark, Matt Clark, Kalena Clarkson, Carrie Clogg, Tim Cochran in Memory of John Barzen, Laura Coco, Mathew and Suzy Coen, Jocelyn Coffman, Jesse Coleman, Kathe Connair, Dennis Coon for Denny & Patty Coon, Brian Cooney, Jennifer Cooper, Jeff Corcoran, Brena Corona, Susan Cory, Jeff Couch, Jeff & Meg Courter, Matthew Covington, Jo Cox, Joe Crimmings, Alex Crisafulli, Marty and Helen Cropp, Harold & Kim Cross, Nora Crosthwaite, Carlyn Crowe, Adam Crowell, Andrew Curl, Julie M Curry, Taylor Curtis, Andy Cusack, Andy & Jill Cusack & Saar, Tina Dahl, Christina Dahl, Brendan Daily, Terry and Shawn Daily, Jean Dannelly, Cory and Abby Darrington, Jamie Daubendiek, Dorothy Davenport, Sara Davids Poetting, Alec Davis, Michael and Ronda Davis in Memory of John Barzen, Drew Davis, Brad & Erin Davison-Rippey, Kristian Day, Michael Dayton, Teresa Dayton in Memory of John Barzen, Miriam de Dios Woodward, Raul de Jesús, Jennifer de Kock, Joshua de Lanoit, Phil and Cindi de Meyer, Christopher Deal, Connor Delaney in Memory of Mary Griffin Radcliffe, Kathryn Dellaca in Memory of John Barzen, Rebekah Dewild, Jane Dewitt, Tej Dhawan, Aaron Diaz, The Dickey Family, Christopher Diebel, Rob Dillard, Jamison Monroe Disalvo, Lorin Ditzler, Michael Diver, Elizabeth Dobbs, Sandy Doerring, Christine Douglas, David & M. Claire Cambie-Drake Drake in Honor of Charlie Day PhD, Dan Drendel, Jill Drye, Andy Duffelmeyer in Memory of Dr. W. Paul and Velma Blakely, Nancy Dunbar in Memory of Art Dunbar, Dave and Shari Duncan, Michael Dunham-Lagree, Paul & Toni Dunnwald, Denise Dykstra, Jan E Corderman, Elizabeth Eddy, Brad Edmister, Charles Ehrlinger, Ryan & Cindy Elsbernd, Jim Engle, M Epping, Samantha Erickson, Bengt Eriksson, Chris Espersen, Hugh Espey, John Evans, Becky Evans, Teri Everett in Memory of John Barzen, Ann Ewing, Lexi Faber, James Faber, Bridget Fagan Reidburn, Toni Farris, Toni Farris, Helene Fein, Scotney Fenton, Hillary Ferry, Dagny Fidler, Cindy Findley, Nancy Finegood, Louis & Lois Fingerman, Bonne Finken, Liz Fisher, Jennifer Fisher Jones, Karen Fitch, Barney Foley, Marianne Fons, Rebecca Fons, Steve Forman, Cathy Fosselman, Kimberly Kelly & Linda Foster, Linda Foster, Mary and Gene Fracek, Becky Frazier, Elise Free, Patrice Frey, Gabriela Fuentes, Molly Fullerton, Wendy Fults, Jessica Galasso, Angélica Gallardo, Joyce & Jerry Gamble, Nick Gandy, Sean Gannon, Jenny Garcia, Benjamin Gardner, Debra Garner in Memory of John Barzen, Elizabeth Gebauer, Leisa Geerdes, Adam Gehrts, Martha Gelhaus, Dawn & Drew Gentsch, Jennifer George, Justin Geraets, Liz Gilman, Erin Gingrich, Twila Glenn, Stephen Godar, Madeline Godar, Patrick Godar, Maureen Godar, Jane Godar Kreiter, Vicki Goldsmith, Joe Gonzalez, Corinne Goode in Honor of Patty Link, Phyllis Goodman, Kent Zimmerman & Mary Gottschalk, Tom Grabinski, Amber and Ben Graeber, Sarah Graf in Honor of Andrew Sherburne, Jennifer Graham, Benjamin Gran, Leigh & Lucas Gray, Nolan Green, Carolyn Greufe, Erin M. Grillot, Adrienne Gross, Tom Gruis, Phil Gruis, Dave Gugliotta, Kim Gunnes, Olivia Guns, Susan Gustafson, Thomas D. Guzman, Billy H, David Haas, Rachel Hadaway, Nate Haggard, Tommy Haines, Rena Hall, Hiland Hall, David Hall, Brock Hall, Ronnie & Carole Hallebeck, Joseph Hallman, Naomi Hamlett, Sarah Hansen, Andrea Hansen, Judith Hansen in memory of John Barzen, Lance Hanson, Piper Harlan, Becky Harmon, Michael Harper, Danni Harris, Rajee Harris, Paul Harvey, Rebecca Harvey in Memory of John Barzen, Adam Haselhuhn, Karen Haskins-Brewer, D.J. Hassel, Gregory Hauenstein, Matt Hauge, Mark & Ginny Haviland, Allison Hayes, Kim Heffernan, Daniel Heggen, Sarah Heggen, Mark Heggen, Sara and Tom Heijerman, Sharyl Heiken, Lou Heiman, Jennifer Heins, Jon Heitland, Joshua Hellyer, Josh Hemming, Megan Hensley, Bruce Hentschel in Honor of Bruce & Joan Hentschel, Eric Hermann, Lynn Heuss, Michael Hiatt, Tim Hickman, Lynn Hicks, Justin Hill, Gary Hoff, Cassandra Hohl, Jon Holtman, Carolyn Honeycutt, Stephanie Horak, Joe Horn, Sara Mishler & Stephen Houghton in Memory of Jim Mishler, Theresa Howard, Lori Howe, Ryan Howell, Rachelle Hrubetz in Memory of Mel & Beverly Hrubetz, Jane Hudson, Bryan and Michelle Huggins, Chuck & Cindy Hughes, Andrew Hughes, Ben Humphrey, Kelly Humrichouser, Linda Hunter, Katelyn Huppert in Memory of Althea Rausch, Michael Huppert in Memory of Althea Rausch, Peggy Huppert in Memory of Althea Rausch, Kat Huppert in Memory of Althea Rausch, Amanda Huppert in Memory of Althea Rausch, Eric & Katherine Hutchison, Emily Hyde, Elliot Imes, Jody and Julie Ingersoll, Christine Irvine, Michael Irwin, Heather and Chip Isaacson, Tracey & Joel Jackman, Larry Cleverley & Beth Jaeger, Larry James, Barbara James, Amanda James, Ashley Jared, Amy Jennings, Karen Jeske, Maia Jessen, Angela Johnson, Carl Johnson, Eric Johnson, Linda Johnson in Memory of Timothy Johnson, Erica Johnson, Linda Johnson, Shaun & Lydia Johnson, Erica Johnston, Noah Jolly, Donn Jones, Mary Lynne Jones in Memory of Catherine G. Williams, Mary Jones, Kristy Jones, Samantha Jungman, Michael Jurgens, Maxwell Jury, Larassa Kabel, Tyler Kamerman, Lisa Kamphuis, Tamara Rood & Doyle Karr, Dakota Karthan, Ryan Kast, Haik Katsikian, Zach and Darci Kellen, Jed Keller, Mary Kelly in Memory of Fr. Thomas Pfeffer, Bruce Kelly, Michael Kelly, Donna Kelly, Lora Kelly-Benck, Drew Kelso, Ruth Kennett, Greg and Pam Kenyon, Pam and Greg Kenyon, Michelle Ketelsen, Otis Khounlo, Steve & Michelle Bolton King, Stephen King, Alex Kintzle, Richard Kirsner, Brenda Kliethermes, Robin Kline, Patrick Klopfenstein, Derek Klopfenstein, Pat Knowles, Francesca Knox, Bonnie Kohl, Bethany Kohoutek, Deb & Chuck Kolb, Rick & Laura Kozin, Carolyn Krafka, Megan Krajicek, , Kristina Kreitzer, Kevin Kretschmer, Jon Krieg in Honor of William Krieg, Todd and Jackie Krone, Rod Kruse, Jerrid Kruse, Abby Kruse, Mike Kuhlenbeck, Debra Kurtz, Marla Lacey in Memory of Barbara Reifsnider, Patty & Kevin Lagree, Jerad & Kathryn Lally, Colin Lamb, Natalie Lancial, Todd Lantz, Kathy LaPlante, Janette Larkin, Steve and Carolyn Larson, Darlene Lawler in Honor of Joe Lawler, Denise Ledvina, Katherine Lefert, Webster Lehmann, Kate Lehmann, Tad Lehmann, Sarah Lembke, Jon & Anna Lemons, Chelsea Lepley, Barbara & David Lettween, Emma Levalley, Tracy Levine, Christine Lewis, Douglas Lewis, John Lewis, Liz Lidgett, John & Diane Liepa, Andrew Lietzow, Carol Lilly, Sunny Liston in Memory of Roger Ebert, Amelia Lobo, Joyce & Fred Lock, Loretta Lockin, Ben Lockin, Philip and Laura Lockwood, Robert Lord, Derek and Katie Lord, Andy Lorentzen, Pete Lovell, Karen Luken, Curtis Luster, Kelli Lydon, Nancy Lynch, Tar & Erika Macias, Beth Mack in Memory of Althea Rausch, Michelle Mackel, Venessa & Jesse Macro, Marshall Maddy in Memory of Richard Kraemer, Emmeline Madjarac, Brianne Magel, Kristine Maggard, Denise Mahon in Memory of Charles Montgomery, Robbie Malone, Leslie Mamoorian, Ian Manaku, Marilyn Parsons & Norman Mandelbaum, Zachary and Sarah Mannheimer, Hector Marcano, Vanessa Marcano-Kelly, Nicholas Margelos, Mirna Marin, Zorana Marquez, Amner Martinez, Lynnae Marty Hentzen, Jody Mashek, Adam Mason, Jeff Mason, Rebecca Mataloni, Dinu Mathai, Todd and Sue Mattison, Kent and Sheila Mauck, Madelyn Mayberry, Jess Mazour, Jasmine McAleavey, Lauren and Cory McAnelly, Lynn McBrian, Jessie McBroom, Soozie McBroom, Robbin McClelland, Ms Monica McClelland-Soe in Memory of Mark Soe, Katherine McClure, Judy McClure, Joni McConnell, Keri McDermott, Dmitri McDonald, Andrew McDowell, Elsa Adele McDowell, Deb McEachron, Ed McElvain, Bret McFarlin, Erin McGettigan, Sheryl McGough, Elizabeth & Donald McGuffin in Memory of John Barzen, Luke & Michelle McKinney, McB & John McManus, Carl McPherson, Mandy McWherter, Mary Means, Kassie Mehrl, Ryan Meier, Todd Meiners, Alvaro Mena, Nicola & Wendell Mendenhall & Speers in Memory of Dr. Larry Sonner, Noemi Mendez, Bill Menner, Beth Mensing, Elizabeth Mensing, Robert and Kristy Meyer, Randy & Vicki Meyer, Raymond & Shirley S. Michel, Cindi Michelsen, Kristine Migliero, Laurie Miller, Tom Miller, Jim Miller, Amy Miller, Kate Milligan, Ms. Patty Mills in Memory of Laura J Thompson Derrickson, John Mishler in Memory of Jim Mishler, Susan Mishler in Memory of Jim Mishler, Matthew Mitchell, Mary Moermond, Emy Mohns, Robin Mohrfeld, Bopha Mom-Baccam, Robert Monk, John Monroe, Jimmy Moore, James Moos, Jeff & Laura Mootz, Eric Mootz, Janet Mootz, Michael Morain, Maryann Mori, Jen Morrow, Cherie Mortice, Mark Movic, Sarah Mowery, Ben Muldrow, Timothy and Lisa Mullan Family, Nathan Mundy, Matt Murphy, Dropkick Murphy, Mary Murrane in Honor of Kathie L. Swift, Max Musicant, Nancy Mwirotsi, Elizabeth Myers, Sarah Myren, Midori Nakata, Dr. Deb Nanda, Bill & Jennifer Nellans, Trent Nelson, Eric Nemmers, Network for Good, Signe Newman, Kent Newman, Ann Nicholson, Marsha Yelick & Bruce Nickels, Joshua and Elizabeth Nielsen, Debbie Nielsen, Barb & Andy Nish, Heather Nolting, Nancy Norman, Shaun Northup, Cole Norum, Shane O`Brien, Susan Oddsen, Eric Olmscheid, Jane Olson, On Pitch, Haverlee Ottley, Jody Paglia, Brocke Palmer, Laura Palmer, Tim Paluch, Tim Panages, Kathryn Panek, Ashley Parker, Ann Pasvogel, Brandon Paulsen, Cindy Paulsen, Ryan Paulsen, Gloria Perry, Dorothy Perry in Memory of John Barzen, Karen Person, Andy Pestotnik, Jessica Peters for Mike & Terri Pfeiffer, Laura Peters, Jon Petersen, Melanie Peterson, Ryan Peterson, Andrea Petrovich, Thao Pham, Thai Phamluong, Mel Pins, Nancy Plagman, Blanca Plascencia, Daniel Platt, Amy Plymat, Nancy Crowfoot & John C. Pollak, Jeff Pomerantz in Memory of Jim Mischler, Kevin Pomeroy, Sarah Popelka, Kelli Powell, Evan Powers, Lettie Prell, Randall Pressley in Memory of John Barzen, David Primeau, Brooke Prouty, Robin Pruisner, Quick & Spooner Family, Kathy Rachuy, William Radell, Grant Raupp, Justin Ray, Michael Reagen in Honor of Susan C. Reagen, Kathy Reardon, John Reardon, Tim Reinders, Travis Reinders, Jeff Reinders, Christine Reinders-Caron, Janice Reinicke in Memory of Lynn Reinicke, Treynor Reis, Tom & Julia Rendon, Angela Renkoski, Michael Richards, Dana Richardson, Kathleen Richardson, Eric Richardson, Michael and Eunice Richmond, Helen Richmond, Rob & Julie Richmond, Susie Rider, Dianne Riley, Thomas Rinker in Memory of John Barzen, Kathy & John Ritzler, Sheila & Greg Robinson in Honor of Timothy B. Robinson, Alexa Rodriguez, William Rogers, Carrie Romo, Bill & Jackie Romp, Sierra Rose, Delrae Roth, Anne Roth, Deidre Fudge & Barb Royal, Barbara Royal, Holly Rozenboom, Blake Ruane, Ann Rushton, Janet & Clifford Rushton in Honor of John Barzen, Donna & Hal Rusk, Donovan Rypkema, Debora S Dickinson in Memory of Robert G. Dickinson, Kuuku Saah, Renae and Dave Salaba, Salah Salah, Rich Salas, Cassie Sampson, Brianne Sanchez, Susan Sandholm-Petersen, Jack Sarcone, Darrell Sarmento, James Sasek, Abbie and Chris Sawyer/Lorang, Cathleen Saylor, Weston Scharlau, Sam Scheidler, Devani Scheidler in Memory of Ruth Savage and Bobbye Scheidler, Kay Schiller, Christopher Weihe & Fabiola Schirrmeister, Jay Schlinsog, J. Mark & Barbara Schmidt, Patricia Schneider, John E Schnell, Justin Schoen, Justin Schoen, Emily Schott, Teresa Schreiber, Emily Schultz, Brenda Schumann, Jean Schwegler, Tyler and Emily Schwiesow, Jerri Scott, Cory Scott, Angie & Andrew Scott, Ed & Barb Sease, Dan & Jane Seaton, Carrie Seim, Elizabeth Seiser, Thomas Seltz, John Sens, Jamie Seratt, Andy Shaffer, Aaron Shaffer, Joyce Sharp, Rob and Kate Shaw, Emily Shearer, Andrew Sherburne, Burke Shiffler, Lisa Shimkat, Adam Shriver, Dianne Siasoco, Nick & Jessica Siefert, Jeff Siegler, Emily Sigler, Sharon Simmons, Daniel Simmons-Marengo, Robert Sims, Rachel Sivi, David Skidmore, Michele Slawson, Steven Slye, Terry D Smith, John Smith, Chuck and Meg Smith, Andrew Smithson, Rod Snavely, Natalie Snyders, SolutionsAG, Chris & Megan Sorensen, Jess Soulis, Heather Spangler, Christopher Stanley, Stacy and Scott Stanley, Amy Stanwood, Kari Stecher, Emily Steele, James Stephenson, Joshua Steward, Ellie Stewart, Ashlee Stoddard, Sara Stolmeier, Randy Stone, Lindsey Strable, Darlene Strachan, Austin and Brenna Strawhacker, Nick Strickland, Tamara Stroh, Adam Stuchel in Memory of Althea Rausch, Micah Sturdevant, Jason Stuyvesant, Robert and Karen Stuyvesant, Jason Stuyvesant, Tim Sulentic, Brooke Summers, Carolyn Summers, Debbie Swander, Jean Swanson, Teresa Swanson, Thomas Swartwood in Memory of T. Marshall Swartwood, Tommy Swartz, Rebecca Swift, Jody Swilky, Scott Syroka, Michael Tabor, York Taenzer, Patrick Tape Fleming, Luke Tasler, Amenda Tate, Lauren Taylor, Jessica Taylor Erwin, Andy Tebockhorst, Terracon, Cindy Testroet in Memory of John Barzen, Robert Thelen, Jennifer Thomas, Erika V Thomson, Carla Tibboel, The Tillotson Family, Amy Tincher-Durik, Casie Tindell, Bill Tindell, George Tirado, Aaron Todd, Saeed Tokhi, Jim Tough, Rita Townsend, Claire Tran, Season Travelbee, Mr. Michael Treinen in Memory of Sara Jane Treinen, Misty Trimble, Jessica Trinidad, Stephanie Troncoso, Bill Trotter, Rick & Nicole Trower, Lorna & Fred Truck, Beecher & Dianna Turner, Paul Turner, Stephen and Jill Tyler, Natalie Umsted, Anita and Matt Unger, Sarah and Scott van Beck, Jon van der Veer, Darcie Vandegrift, Bob and Cathleen Vangilder, Dana Vasey in Memory of Mayor Richard E. Olson, Jordan Vernoy, Steve & Shannon Vilmain, Terrance Vorbrich, Tim Waddell, Finnean and Hutchinson Wagler, Richard & Lisa Wagler, Matthew Wagner, Ron Wagner, Nancy Waldman in Memory of Peggy Altman, Sherry & Greg Wallace, Karla Walsh, Theresa and Ken Walton, Whitney Warne, Jim & Elaine Watkins-Miller, Lorne and Rose Wazny, Nick Webb, Suzanne Wedeking, Theresa Weeks, Michael/Mary Wegner, Clark Wegner, Teresa & Todd Weidmaier, Linda Weidmaier in Memory of Dee Schaller, Tyler Weihe, Duane and Mary Rose Weiland, Diana Weishaar, Max Wellman, Mike & Chris Wellman, Wells Fargo Foundation, Kristin Wesner, Kehla West, Patricia Westphal, Lisa Whelan, Elisabeth Whelan, Travis White, Kyle White, Maggie White, Heather Whyte Johnson, Bethany Wilcoxon, Ellen Wilke, Patrick Wilke-Brown, Steve Wilke-Shapiro, Kathleen Willem, Chris and Andrea Williams, Murray Williams, Nicole Williams, Paula Williams in Honor of Chris Williams, Connie Wilson, Thomas Wilson, Annabel Wimer, Ken Winber, Jane and Jim Wine, Holly Wist, David Witke, Sarah Witt, Rachel Woodhouse, Steve Woodin, Paula Woodin, Michele Laflame & Mark Woolson in Memory of John Barzen, Nathan Wright, Darell and Lianne Wright, Hannah Wright, Richard Wulf in Memory of John Barzen, Tyler Wyngarden, Kelly Young, Ilima Young-Dunn, Eric Youngberg, Andrea Ytzen, Kenn Yu, Ben Zachrich, Elizabeth F Zaletel, Sharon Zanders-Ackiss, Amy Zeigler, Fred Zesiger, Nichole Ziemann-Dow, Jenny Zimmerman, April Ziskovsky and many more.