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The Varsity Cinema is operated by the nonprofit Des Moines Film, dedicated to providing inclusive and impactful film experiences. Volunteers play a vital role in achieving those goals! Outlined below are the volunteer roles that are currently available.

Theater Attendant

Theater Attendant volunteers provide wayfinding, confirm that films are running correctly, make sure that theaters are ready to welcome guests, and educate guests on membership programs. This position will report to the Manager on duty.


  • Ensure that the theater space is clean before and after a film plays. Cleaning may include tasks such as vacuuming, sweeping, and replacing the trash. 
  • Have basic knowledge of the history of the Varsity Cinema, membership, and other frequently asked questions.
  • Direct guests to their seats as they arrive for their film. 
  • Educate patrons on membership levels and process memberships if needed.
  • Confirm that films are successfully playing. This includes making basic checks on projection, sound, lights, and temperature.
  • Report inappropriate guest behavior to the manager on duty during the run of the film.


Event Photographer

Seeking volunteers with photography experience! This position will be on an on-call basis. Photographers are asked to take photos of special events in exchange for a free ticket. Photography credit will be included with any photos shared on social media.

Apply to Volunteer
To learn more about these positions or to apply to be a volunteer at the Varsity Cinema, please contact Regen Kuker, Assistant Director of Operations, at

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