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Community Partnerships are collaborative events between the Varsity Cinema and other local business and nonprofits. These events serve as an opportunity to provide programming to the Des Moines community that fulfills and enhances each organization’s mission.

Community Partnerships are a vital piece of our mission, however, the Varsity is limited in the number of Community Partnerships that can be done. Partnerships will be considered that have a well rounded event proposal. Factors such as scheduling, audience, marketing potential, and building and technical needs will be taken into consideration when reviewing submitted proposals. Organizations are encouraged to resubmit proposals if they are not initially selected.

Events that have been found to be successful have included additional elements beyond the film. Q&A’s, discussion panels, musical performances, activities in the lobby, mixed drinks catered to the film, and many other options have been used successfully to create additional audience engagement. Be creative and “eventize”!

Event and technical aspects that the Varsity can provide:

  • 2 wireless microphones
  • Podium and accessible HDMI connections
  • Chairs for panel discussions and Q&A’s
  • Tables for lobby set-up

Community Partnerships are a great way to create unique opportunities to engage with and expand your audience. Your organization will be highlighted on our website, social media, weekly newsletter, and other marketing, which reaches over 15,000 people.

Community Partner benefits include: 

  • Pre-show Acknowledgement: Your logo feature within the Varsity’s year-roundd “Thanks to our community partners” slide.
  • Pre-show Announcement: Representatives can deliver opening remarks before the associated screening or event.
  • Social Media: Acknowledgement on our social media channels, reaching an engaged audience of over 15,000. This includes select cross-promotion of the partner’s events & offers.
  • Website Placement: Company’s logo and website will be featured on the event’s listing.
  • Newsletter Recognition: Company included in the event listing within the bi-monthly print newsletter distributed to over 8,000 Varsity members.

Interested in a Community Partnership opportunity?

Complete this form to start the process. A Varsity staff member will be in touch if we would like to move forward with the event.

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